Building the future, preserving the past
Foulad Machine Delijan Co.
The establishment of Foulad Delijan Machine Company, continuing the process of updating production technologies and meeting the needs of this industry, as the main arm and driving force of these leading changes in providing engineering services and manufacturing related machines, took important steps in this direction, which is important with the effectiveness of Machinery giants in the central province have taken advantage of new formulas and on the other hand have looked at the third generation of bitumen production and downstream industries and its accessories.
International project
years of experience
Successful project
The latest construction technology
Patent certificate
Sustainable research and development team
Technical and engineering consultations
our services
Design and manufacture of industrial machines
our services
Technical Services
Objectives and functions
Environment and climate change
Quality Control
Policies and Position Statements
Awards and recognitions
Company goals and vision
The vision of Delijan Machine Steel Company is to update the technology of manufacturing production lines and related industrial machines while increasing productivity and of course obtaining the highest quality rating, which Delijan Machine Steel Company is always trying to achieve. This goal is determined based on understanding the needs, priorities, and needs in the framework of private and national industrial programs, and based on this, some of the company’s goals are mentioned.- Creating a competitive advantage for the company’s services and products through initiative and innovation by maintaining quality, competitive prices, timely delivery, financial strength, and developing appropriate technology levels
- Consolidation and development of production activities and entry into international markets by registering the company and establishing an office in Oman.
- Continuous and creative planning in the development of the quality process of employee participation in the affairs of the organization and paying attention to the synergy of production and commercial forces and their training
- Efforts to meet the needs and expectations and ultimately to satisfy the stakeholders and obtain positive estimates and views of customers from the sustainable development performance of Delijan Machine Steel Company
Foulad Mashin Delijan is an industrial machinery manufacturing company that creates and develops its technical and technological infrastructures, as well as its technical and engineering capabilities and capabilities in order to produce production lines for industrial factories and production complexes. Delijan Machine Steel Company, in line with its sustainable development, has always, along with these capabilities, been aiming to improve its production operations in the fields of oil and gas, and in this field, the construction of industrial tank farms and piping projects, as well as the manufacture of standard parts. Such as hot oil boilers and shell and tube exchangers, as well as standard bread production parts, are part of the company’s work and executive programs. Observance of respect for social and environmental rights and interests of the society is one of the most important and highest duties of Foulad Mashin Delijan and it is always the top work mission and top priority of executive affairs.Green goals and environmental protection
One of the constant and fundamental concerns of Foulad Mashin Delijan is paying attention to green issues and sustainable development, provided that the environment is protected. The executive regulations of the company, which is the most strategic plan of the company and based on which the projects and executive plans are formulated and reach the implementation stage, considers the development without regard to the environment as a one-dimensional, unstable and temporary development that in the long run It is not effective and considers it a loss-making activity and is always committed to the optimal use of raw materials, respecting the rights of local communities and citizens with the motto of reduction, reuse and recycling.Main environmental activities of the company
- The process of managing environmental aspects and effects of production lines
- The process of waste management and the construction of purifying filtrations
- Management process of monitoring and measuring environmental pollutants in order to ensure the correct functioning of monitoring equipment, determine the permissible limits of emission of pollutants in the environment based on the standard and use modern control and monitoring systems of environmental pollutants for implemented projects li>
- Completing all organizational tasks in the field of HSE in accordance with the organization’s internal and external laws and regulations
Quality control, meaning control, measurement and monitoring
In Delijan Machine Steel Company and in the production process of industrial machines and production lines as well as products, the quality control unit has an effective role in continuous monitoring of the process and ensuring the construction of healthy equipment and in accordance with production requirements is one of the missions of this group. What has been paid special attention in the quality control charter of Foulad Mashin Company is that these two words are complementary to each other. Correct and available control tools, while having knowledge and knowledge of documented and specific standard methods of parts and products. Quality control experts ensure the accuracy of products by measuring and monitoring parts during production, using approved and calibrated equipment, and the implementation of the quality charter is always and always the main goal and implementation process of this group.Description of duties and work missions:
- Timely and correct execution of tests and inspections required in designs and evaluation of output product quality and extraction of quality data and its analysis.
- Timely implementation of equipment calibration, monitoring and measurement and testing in production and quality control.
- Monitoring and measuring raw materials to the final product.
- Measuring the capabilities of production processes and providing suitable solutions to increase the capabilities of machines.
- Execution of statistical control process (SPC).
- Research to achieve the latest inspection standards and sampling plans and grounding for their use in the organization.
- Finding non-compliance in products and training production personnel in matters related to quality.
- Preparation and pasting of an analytical chart prepared based on control results and in the analytical board of the production hall.

The project is running
Manasaaz Co.
- Customer: Manasaaz Company
- Location: Malaayer, Iran
- Piping project implementation
- End of the project: September 2023
Shams Project
- Customer: Mr Shams
- Location: Oman
- Waterproofing line launch
- End of project: April 2023
Azarbam Maku Co.
- Customer: Mr Khalili Poor
- Location: Maku
- Waterproofing line construction
- End of project: April 2023
Rastaak Co.
- Customer: Mr Rouzi Talab
- Location: Sirjan
- Installation of machinery
- End of project: March 2023
Our Customers

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